Saturday, January 3, 2009

Picture for today...

This is NOT one I took... but it IS one I LOVE... my Grand babies!  This is what I miss out on because they live so far away...  I just LOVE how they match their presents from Santa =)


Ingram Gang said...

Your granddaughters are so cute. As soon as I saw the picture, I thought the same thing...look how they match the presents.
You are a great photographer! I only wish I knew more about photography :(
One day, when my kids are a bit older, I plan on taking a class. Did you take classes or teach yourself?

Unknown said...

WOW! Thanks for taking the time to even come see =) I didn't take any classes... but I got a good camera when I had my first son! It was costly back then =) FILM!! BUT, we were in youth ministry and had a lot of the kids taking classes so they showed me what to do... and I had the dark room all set up for them to use as well!! It was GREAT!! NOW that we have digital... I LOVE IT!!! I can shoot a bazillion shots to get the ONE GREAT one!


at 50 years old!!

[b] school
